Collected Attempts

Drinking with Proust


We’ve been drinking for at least ten-million years. The long-term effects remain mysterious. Don’t rush. Our ancestors did not go from fresh to fermented fruit in a day. Evolution takes time. Take the next step: Drink with Proust.

Available on request

Thinking, Hard and Soft

Steersmanship requires connected thought. As information technology weaves itself into life, what happens to our sense of time? Can organic activity be digitised? The essays in Thinking, Hard and Soft range from Proust, Homer and Zhuangzi to Cybernetics and AI, all washed down with a healthy dose of wine.

Available on Leanpub


Here is what some readers have said about “Thinking, Hard and Soft” so far:

“An enjoyable collection of thoughts, ideas, and inventions – although it lacks a core thread to tie it together. This book is like a historic building without a guide to help you make sense of what you are seeing.”

Steve Fenton‘s goodreads review

“Thought provoking. An example of how mankind can muddle through the opposition and find a way to do the right thing in the end.”

Simon Dakin, Business Systems and Information Manager

“Very well written… Very few people publishing in LinkedIn can write like this. And that’s probably a large understatement… a rare ability to fuse philosophy, science, technology, history and original thought…”

Stephen Cummins, CEO & Founder AppSelekt, CSO Academic Innovations


Douglas Levin, Professional Sommelier & Wine Writer